How to Get Unstuck and Start Living on Purpose!

Do you want more from your life? Are you tired of living in survival mode? Are you getting in your own way? If you answered yes, then you are at the right place! It is easy to get stuck in a rut, but I am here to get you unstuck, get you out of your own way so you can start living your dream life.
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About This Product:

In this course, I will show you the entire step by step framework to get rid of your limiting beliefs and live the life of your dreams! I know deep inside; you know that you are meant to do big things in your life and make a positive impact in this world but for some reason you keep hitting roadblocks and you have lost a piece of yourself on the way. Even if right now you cannot see light at the end of the tunnel, I promise you if you stick with me till the end of this course, you will have the right tools, resources that you need to take control of your own life and go from being in the passenger seat to being in the driver seat. 

This course is divided into 3 modules. Once you finish this course, you will become more self-aware, become aware of your limiting beliefs, develop systems in place to help you whenever you feel like you are in a rut and figure out what ignites your soul - your WHY! I believe every single one of us has a superpower and we are all put on this earth to figure out what our superpower is. Do you know what your superpower is? If not, let's discover it! 

What this workshop includes: 

Module 1: Your mindset is everything! 

Mindset Mastery is vital to your success. Everything begins inside of your mind and manifests in physical form. Think of your brain as a minicomputer that has unlimited storage. The software running this program includes our beliefs, life experiences, our values and so much more. Just like our computer and phones require frequent updating, so does our minicomputer aka our brain. The best part is that you can update your software that is running your life. Once you update your supercomputer you will become a magnet of success and abundance. 

In this module, we will dive deep into our identity and belief systems and how they are formed. We will work on building a strong mindset that is essential to developing a healthy self-esteem and getting rid of any blockages that are getting in your way and the person you want to be. 

There is a famous quote by Einstein that I love "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them". Our thinking must change so we can find solutions to our problems and build a strong foundation. To attract better, we must become better first. 

Module 2: Discover your why and take control of your life. 

They say we have a 1 in 400 trillion chance of being born. What are the chances that you were put on this earth? We all have a purpose and we come on this earth to discover that and to figure out what our superpower is. The truth is no one on this earth is like you! You are one in a billion. You are unique and your gifts are needed on this earth. Imagine every single person on this earth did the same thing, cared about the same thing, had the same superpower, there would be nothing to learn from each other... How boring?? I KNOW!! Once I learnt that I am a miracle to be born I changed my perspective about everything, and I want to share the same enthusiasm I have for life with you. I want you to thrive and become the best version of yourself.

I have invested a lot of time, energy and money into figuring out my WHY and I was shocked that none of this is taught to us in school. I have been working on myself and my personal development for over a decade and I have learnt so much on the way. We are basically taught the same lessons in school and programmed to compete against each other for better grades. This keeps us stuck in a cycle and we lose our uniqueness. I know that I was not meant to do the same thing everyone else is doing. I always loved to question things, do things differently, challenge myself and others. Once I figured out that I do not have to do the same thing as everyone else, I started feeling more alive and freer. And I want the same for you.

You are the creator of your life! In this module, you will discover your why and the reason you were put on this earth. We will go through a series of questions and tools that you need to find your purpose. 

Module 3: It is time to start thriving!!!! 

In this module, we will build systems that will improve your performance and create a plan that will produce consistent results. You will learn how to stay accountable, unlearn things that are not serving you and gain capabilities that will level you up. 

Remember, no one is coming to save you and you must save yourself! You are your own hero and the best version of you is on the other side of fear. Once you become the best version of yourself, you will inspire others to do the same. Stop putting your dreams on the back burner and take a chance on yourself!!!

There is a reason you were guided to this page today. Miracles happen to those who believe in them. Trust the process and take a chance on yourself. 

I cannot wait to see you inside.

Program Details

1.1 - Success Mindset
Available Now

2.1 - Get Clear and Know Your Why!
Available Now

3.1 - Your Pathway to Success
Available Now

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Simran Attili

I am Simran Attili, founder of Enrich Coaching and Enrich Podcast. I am on a mission to help you become the person you most desire to be.
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As an ex corporate woman, with a background in Human Resources, finance and Personal development and desire to help and serve people, I knew I was part of something bigger. For as long as I can remember, I have been always curious about human potential and seeing people win. I always asked questions and love getting curious about things and seeing things from a different perspective.

I always have been passionate about various topics, some connected and not connected like- psychology, brain science, spirituality, wellness, dance, music, entrepreneurship, serving and so much more. I knew I didn’t fit in society's conventional box. I always desired to work my own hours, learning new things and meeting new people.  

After working at few corporate jobs and trying to choose one thing to focus on, I knew that I could no longer do 9 - 5 and it was time for me to play full out and become my own boss that my soul desired the most. I have been a personal development junkie for the last 10 + years and my love for this industry grows every single day. My research and work have now turned into helping others to do the same. 

And now I get to share that with the world, starting with you. 

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Disclosure: Your background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ. There is no guarantee of success. Your results may vary.